HBS is a nice place in that they provide several unexplained long weekends. They have a way of sneaking up on you too, so when I discovered last week that we had Friday and Monday off, I promptly booked my Aeroplan ticket to Toronto for Wednesday afternoon (only one class Thursday, so I skipped it) and had an excellent extended trip hope.
Arrived Wednesday night at Tim & Mark's palace, and practically had the run of the place, with Tim in Europe and Mark as busy as Mark usually is.
Jeff came over Wednesday night with some lamb, beef bones (for braising) and veggies, so we made a great meal and drank (several) bottles of Tim's wine. Good. (For the record Tim, if you're reading this, I replaced them. Except the Home Brew, that was bloody aweful and I can't imagine who's basement-bathtub concoction could suitably replace that bottle of mule's piss.)
Thursday night I caught up with Sheila at "Sharkey's" in Bloor West Village. A nice chat with someone I don't see that often.
Friday was Korean BBQ in K-town with Alex & Yun (with a showing of honeymoon photos), then drinks back at Tim's, where Ralf and Shakila made an exhausted appearance.
Saturday was the most interesting. I managed to play some football in the west end with the old Deloitte team (and was recruited for two more games next weekend when I'm home for Thanksgiving) and Wayne & Gina's friend Josie hosted a costume party (photos below) with the theme of "Pimp's & Ho's".

Two pimps livin-large.

Sunday was relaxing...a sleep in (Nihat and I hosted an afterparty at Tim's with about 10 people...all new to the group, save Josie & the PM, in attendance, but it went until 5:00a.m.) followed by a 12km run. To purge.
Met up with Raif for drinks on Queen street, then had Jeff over again for dinner & a screening of "Office Space", before turning in for a longer sleep. Cleaned up Tim's place and hit the airport, where I arrived in Boston without my luggage. (It apparently missed it's flight, but managed to catch the next one).
After-party people.

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