Easter: Family Dinner; Jeff and Tim's Birthday Party
Although my photographic record presented here might not suggest it, the MBA experience is actually quite academically rigorous. So when the opportunity to relax and get away from it all presents itself, I happily take advantage. (Witness my previous 13 posts).
One such occasion was the Easter long weekend, when I took a 5 day holiday to return to Toronto and Kitchener-Waterloo and pay a long-overdue visit with friends and family.
Highlights included an evening in K-W with the family, where Jen and I reacquainted ourselves with my parents, brothers, in-laws, uncles, aunts, and nieces and nephews. We also managed an epic celebration of Tim and Jeff's birthdays on the roof-top of my former (and hopefully future) apartment building in Toronto.
The roof top party was (I think) the fourth instantiation of our tried and true formula: high energy drinks with 60 of our closest friends before heading to a club at 12:30am. And I dare say that nobody was disappointed with the outcome...with the possible exception of the unfortunate occupants of the penthouse suites one floor below, but unlike prior years, we received no noise complaints (to my knowledge).

Glenn and Deitra discuss valuation approaches to complex financial derivative products, but do a good job of hiding it.

Razor, Tim and Shakila celebrate with two new-found friends to the left.
Heart-felt birthday wishes are exchanged between the celebrating parties, while Noel dutifully plays witness.
Jeff and Glenn dial it up a notch, while Jen patiently tolerates their antics.
Nancy, Saleem, Suni and Glenn take a well deserved break from the get-down happening beside them.
Jen and Shakila engage in what can only be described as "free-style" salsa dancing, while Glenn and Ralf look on unimpressed.
Fred and Liz, relieved after successfully making the dangerous journey all the way from Waterloo.
(Bonus points for participating in a full night of partying, even though they had to head out at the crack of dawn the next morning. Folks who came from abroad at great trouble and expense appreciated it). It's 2:00 am and Razor and Ralf are tired, but Shakila is just getting started.
Yun, Jen, Shakila and Ralf. In matching blazers, Yun and Ralf are ready to head to the U of T library.
Group photo number 1: A fun loving crowd.
Group shot number 2: Equally fun loving...this time fuelled by fine champange.
In response to widespread concern that champagne might be wasted, Jeff selflessly dispells all fears. Phew!!